Targeted Emails

Why You Should Consider A Targeted Email Campaign For Your Business

When your business has an incredible offer, you want to get the word out about it to as many people you can ASAP. Direct mail could be a useful advertising tool, but in this case there’s not enough time to get a piece designed and printed, and you may not have the budget to pay for postage.

Targeted emails are the “new direct mail”…without the expensive cost of postage!

Using Targeted emails, you can raise awareness of new products or services, promote a special, and drive web traffic. The best part is you are targeting people wherever they are; who doesn’t get their email on their phone, tablet, or other devices? Your potential buyer doesn’t need to be sitting at home waiting for the mailman–this message is delivered at the time and day of your choice.

And we don’t send your offer to just anyone–we cultivate a very specific audience filled with people who will have interest in your offer through many different geographic and demographic filters, including: 

  • Buying activity’s & shopping habits
  • Families with children of certain ages
  • Political Affiliation 
  • Health Habits
  • Homeowners
  • Income & Wealth
  • Interests
  • Occupations
  • Auto Intenders, Owners & MANY more

We see a consistently high open rate with our targeted emails–over 14% on average–so we are confident that we can get your message in front of the RIGHT audience to help your organization reach your goals!

PRO TIP: Think about running a Targeted email in combination with a retargeting campaign. Targeted emails will drive traffic to your website or landing page, and with a display retargeting campaign, once they come to your site they will be “retargeted” with your display ad!

It may sound complicated, but our digital marketing experts make it easy to run highly targeted, cost-effective advertising campaigns that will help you get more customers.


Be sure to take a look at our other Digital Marketing offerings:

How Targeted Emails Work:

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