dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – The Senate Education Committee sailed through two school safety bills Tuesday morning. One resurrects the West Virginia Guardian Program. The other would require public […]
Tag: WV Legislature
Legislature tries again to align city election dates with statewide dates
dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – The Legislature is taking another crack at aligning municipal election dates with statewide primary and general elections. The prior two efforts began and died […]
Senate bill offers tax credits for coal company road improvements, equipment purchases
dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – The Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee approved on Monday a resurrected version of a bill to allow coal companies to take a severance […]
House committees take up absentee ballot, ranked choice voting bills
dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates is trying once again to prevent potential abuse of absentee ballots by making it illegal to distribute more than 10 […]
House food dye ban bill advances, heads for passage; two preservatives added
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates will take up a bill to ban a handful of synthetic dyes from foods sold in West Virginia starting Monday. Current […]
House committee ponders two foster care bills: vaccines and LGBTQ issues
dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – The full House Health and Human Resources Committee got a first look at two foster care bills – one regarding LGBTQ issues and one […]
House committee ponders bill to ban synthetic dyes from foods
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates Health Committee spent two hours on Tuesday hearing the pros and cons of a bill to ban a handful of synthetic […]
Senate committee moves bill to raise property tax on windmills
dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – A resurrected state Senate bill that would raise the property tax on windmills cleared the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee on Monday, but […]
New Mon County state senator introduces three energy bills
MORGANTOWN – Monongalia County’s newest state senator – Republican Chris Rose – is also the new chair of the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee and introduced […]
PJM warns legislators of looming challenges: increasing power demand, decreasing supply
dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – When you get up in the morning, you want to know your lights will come on and you can plug in and recharge your […]