For the three or so people who may have turned to this page last week specifically to read this column and wondered (hoped?) if perhaps I’d quit […]
Tag: the dominion post
Movie plans means reunion with some old (pretend) friends
For a lady with no social life, I have a wide array of friends. There are my baking friends and my makeover friends. My tattoo artist friends […]
Podcasts make exercise tolerable
As you may recall from a couple weeks ago, I’m deep in the middle of weight-loss hell. A full month of ingesting what feels like next to […]
There’s a new frenemy in town
I am so hungry. Normally, I wouldn’t begin a column — or any piece of writing, really — by simply logging on and typing my current state. […]
‘You couldn’t watch it, the dog dies’
It’s no secret that I love murder shows and horror movies. Ever since I was old enough to appreciate a good story, I’ve been drawn to the […]
Can’t wrap my mind around all this guilt-free eating
Pointing, I asked Dan about the source of a rouge red spot at his waist. “What did you get on your new shirt?” I wondered. “Huh,” he […]
Some new stuff hitting the boob-tube, as my mom would say
COMMENTARY I know a ton of people are still reeling over the end of “Game of Thrones.” I am not one of those people. Aside from the […]
Weekend away offers chance to get back in the book groove
I love to read. All my life, it’s been my No. 1 hobby, among the first things I list when asked about my passions. There have been, […]
Simple pleasures fun to ponder
Yesterday, I sat and listened to several men in my office talk about sports for what felt like hours (but was, to be fair, probably more like […]
What’s up, docs? Weekend off equals bingefest
After a month of six-day work weeks, today marks the first day of the first full weekend I’ve had to myself in what feels like ages. Which […]