There’s absolutely nothing new about the people I work with thinking I’m weird. This is, after all, the place where, mid-conversation with someone, I reached into my […]
Tag: managing editor
Don’t have to be superhuman to be a super human
I’m fairly convinced at this point that my sister-in-law Vikki is made of some sort of advanced strain of DNA. Not that she’s completely superhuman — she […]
Moving will test anyone’s mettle
When you wonderful people out there sit down to read this, I will be likely be drinking my first cup of coffee in my new place. Which […]
Resolutions take a different tack this year — sort of
Since about birth, I’ve made basically the same New Year’s resolution: Lose weight. Clearly, this does not make me at all unique, given that it seems about […]
No pet should suffer in the cold
When you follow as many animal rescue groups as I do on social media, you become pretty accustomed to seeing horrible things. On the morning I write […]