Soon, I will be lending a hand at the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the country. Since visiting Best Friends in Kanab, Utah, this past summer, I […]
Tag: animals
Crafts and farm animals help children to learn about food
The West Virginia University Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design is hosting Kiddie Days, a free event providing parents, educators and young children with a […]
Should you sleep with your pet?
by Robin Abcarian Do you sleep with animals? No, I don’t mean people who, you know, do wild and crazy things in bed. I am talking about […]
Guest essay: Not as simple as ‘trap, neuter, adopt’
by Stephanie Faulkiner As a member of the Monongalia County Animal Welfare Network (MCAWN), I am responding to the guest essay written by the Animal Care and […]
How to help animals and their people recover from catastrophes
by Sarah DeYoung An estimated 3,000 pets were still missing more than a week after deadly wildfires ripped through Maui. When disasters of this magnitude strike, people […]
Confessions from a reformed wildlife ‘rescuer’
by Michelle Reynolds Our household has baby fever. The songbirds who reside in our oak tree are expecting. We threw a shower of sorts by putting out […]
Geese not good at guarding, still loved
A desire to homestead runs in my family. Perhaps my sisters and I got it watching our mother grow much of our food in our backyard in […]
Giving animals as gifts a bad idea
by Melissa Rae Sanger Earlier this year, we opened our hearts to a tiny black kitten with a white stripe down her back. She had been abandoned […]
Bobcat sighting signals a return to writer’s land
When my family moved to Preston County in the mid-90s, we were enchanted by all the wildlife. We moved from the Baltimore suburbs, and these peaceful hills […]
Flora, fauna familiar in Maine
Sometimes my mind boggles when I think on the number of plants, fungi, animals and insects inhabiting my slice of the world. Then I fall down a […]