Submit a Classified Ad

INSTRUCTIONS: To place a classified ad please fill out the form below, once the ad has been submitted; please wait for an ad proof and quote. Once you have received your ad proof and quote, feel free to call with prepayment. This page does NOT accept online payment. Feel free to contact the Classified Department (304-291-9420) for any further questions or concerns.

ADJUSTMENTS: Please check your ad for errors the first day it appears. The Dominion Post makes every effort to avoid errors in ads, but will not be responsible for incorrect ads after the first day of publication, except when ads begin on Saturday or Sunday.

This page does NOT accept online payment, since quotes can only be calculated once entered into ad layout software.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.


Classified Ads appear online and in print, but the ad will not appear until confirmed and approved before Deadline. Allow one full business day for confirmation. ALL ADS MUST BE PREPAID before they will be published. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Ads submitted after 5 P.M. on Fridays, will not be viewed until Monday after 8:30 A.M.

*All ads must be approved by 2 P.M. for next day publishing and Saturday, Sunday, and Monday ads must be approved by 2 P.M. Friday.

The Dominion Post reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise, edit or reject any advertisement not meeting its standards of acceptance. We accept only standard abbreviations and required proper punctuation. Submission of an advertisement does not constitute a commitment to publish the advertisement. Publication of an advertisement does not constitute an agreement for continued publication.