When most people hear “save the bees,” they think of fuzzy honeybees buzzing about the garden. But honeybees, who aren’t native to North America, comprise only a […]
Other News
Biden action on U.S. citizenspouses good for all
In a long-awaited announcement Tuesday, President Joe Biden unveiled an executive action that would grant the undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens who’ve lived in the country for […]
Applying for a job shouldn’t be humiliating
Everyone has a job-search horror story or knows someone who does. After flying my husband to Chicago for a day-long interview, one company told him the position […]
Heat waves are deadlier than hurricanes. Let’s make them natural disasters, too
Unlike other natural disasters, extreme heat doesn’t topple buildings, flood streets or turn road signs into missiles. It doesn’t provide a dramatic backdrop for daredevil weather reporters. […]
U.S. exceptionalism is dead no matter who wins the election
A facile way to frame the future of American foreign policy is to set up two scenarios as a binary choice. If former President Donald Trump returns […]
Accessto new Alzheimer’s treatments bogged down by Medicare
Alzheimer’s is a progressive, fatal disease that boggled scientists for a century.In the past 30 years, $42 billion has been invested in research and development of drugs […]
Time to fix all the homeschool loopholes
The tragic death of 14-year-old Kyneddi Miller earlier this year has raised several issues about the state’s level of responsibility in looking out for abused and neglected […]
Summer safety tips
Going all-in on EVs hurts. Just ask Hertz
Despite efforts by central planners to force Americans into electric vehicles, the overwhelming majority of consumers still prefer gasoline-powered cars. Failing to recognize that reality can be […]
Population decline isn’t the problem. Hungry kids are
Humanity is about to turn a major population corner, according to a new estimate. A recent article in the Lancet predicts that by 2030, we’ll no longer […]