Is the relationship between President Donald Trump and farm country starting to go bad? At first glance, things have never been better. According to recent data, net […]
Retrofit California buildings for wildfires
California should put the same effort into preparing buildings to survive wildfires that it has retrofitting for earthquakes. That’s the view of University of California Merced fire […]
Trump’s U.N. (campaign) address
President Donald Trump gave a Tuesday campaign speech that blasted Beijing’s COVID-19 culpability, lauded his administration’s response to the pandemic and celebrated America’s abdication of the Paris […]
Sept. 27 letters to the editor
Unnecessary doubts cast on mail-in voting Free and fair elections are a crucial pillar to a successful democracy. This upcoming presidential election will look different from any […]
For the House of Delegates 51st District
For the West Virginia House of Delegates 51st District, The Dominion Post endorses Democrats Danielle Walker, Barbara Fleischauer, Evan Hansen and John Williams and Republican candidate […]
Sept. 25 letters to the editor
Still waiting on COVID results two months later On Thursday, Sept. 17, the paper told us that COVID-19 testing would take place Friday, Sept. 18, and the […]
Gov. Justice puts his nose where his mouth is on testing
West Virginia is doing a better job testing for COVID-19 than most of the country. The DHHR dashboard said as of yesterday there have been 525,236 confirmed […]
Senators’ letter to universities is absurd, bigoted
There’s a lot to say about the letter from some West Virginia Republican senators to West Virginia University and Marshall University. So let’s dive right in. […]
Two cheers for our drugmakers — the third is on reserve
America’s big drug companies are refusing to let President Donald Trump use them as campaign props. That is right and proper. First, nine of them […]
Anti-Catholic attacks on Amy Coney Barrett
“Trump’s likely RBG replacement, Amy Coney Barrett, is a Catholic extremist with seven children who does not believe employers should be required to provide health care coverage […]