It is dangerous, perhaps even foolhardy, to try to predict the future during a pandemic. However, the trendlines in West Virginia continue heading in the right direction. […]
Bills that make us go ‘hmm … ’
Multiple bills introduced in the Legislature this session have made us scratch our heads or raise an eyebrow and ask “What?” or “Why?” Here are a few […]
SCOTUS puts Trump tax returns in play
by Timothy L. O’Brien Donald Trump and his lawyers have routinely argued that the former president would be subjected to “irreparable harm” if his tax returns landed […]
How American science returned to astonish us all
French news cameras were in California last week to capture America’s spectacular drive to mass-vaccinate against COVID-19. What were the visuals? An amusement park with cars lined […]
Time to show us the numbers, Jim
Monday, Gov. Justice had the first of his virtual town halls to sell West Virginians on the elimination of the state personal income tax, which makes up […]
$1.9T a bet on modern economic theory
by Virginia Heffernan President Joe Biden’s plan to flood Americans with nearly $2 trillion in coronavirus aid could come to a House vote early this week. Odds […]
‘I do not believe unity is possible’ — but Joe Biden does
Uh-oh. Joe Biden is talking unity again. It came last week at a CNN town hall in Milwaukee in response to a question about how he will […]
COLUMN: Derek Culver’s numbers are good, but what would they be if he made free throws?
MORGANTOWN, W. Va. — Derek Culver attempted 14 free throws Tuesday night. TCU — and we’re talking the entire team here — attempted 17. That’s the Culver […]
Manchin to preserve filibuster — and an obstructionist Senate
In an interview with Salena Zito for the Washington Examiner last week, Sen. Joe Manchin talked about the Senate as a “deliberative” body: The way we govern […]
New Space Age hampered by old tech
by Andrew Holland and Stephane Lintner The world is entering an exciting new Space Age. Where once the superpowers competed in a space race to the moon, […]