Greeting the new year with skepticism It is the time for looking forward to the coming year: Trepidation and dystopian? Optimism, even utopian? Fear, or longing for […]
Guest essay: Universities collaborate with state for better future
by E. Gordon Gee and Brad D. Smith As presidents of West Virginia’s two large public universities, we share more than a mission to educate our state’s […]
Guest essay: Double down on investment to double our economy
by Del. Daniel Linville “Those manufacturing jobs are gone, and they’re never coming back.” I’ve heard this from naysayers time and again. I don’t blame those who’ve […]
Despite headlines, Biden is doing more than you think
by James Rosen At a time of pandemic-driven gloom and relentless Republican-driven doom, President Joe Biden is already a flop. That’s the shrill, orchestrated and nonstop message […]
COLUMN: If Kansas was a wake-up call for WVU, it said the Mountaineers just weren’t ready for what Kansas threw at them
MORGANTOWN — If body language is to tell us anything, then West Virginia was a beaten dog Saturday at the hands of ninth-ranked Kansas. Heads were hung. […]
City’s decisions seem retaliatory
“Perception is reality. If you are perceived to be something, you might as well be it, because that’s the truth in people’s minds.” — Steve Young, former […]
Yearly Planner, you can’t be serious
by Gene Collier A new year triggers an almost biological urge among the humans to, as the horrid cliché goes, hit the ground running. Not I. At […]
Biden, Democrats roll dice on agenda
by Nolan Finley Democrats are making a big bet at the start of this midterm election year that their downturn in popularity with the electorate stems not […]
Consider before lifting nuclear ban
The West Virginia Legislature will be considering lifting the state’s nuclear energy ban this session. If images of Chernobyl, Three-Mile Island and Fukushima flashed through your mind, […]
When an anti-vaxxer dies of COVID, is that cause for glib, ironic satisfaction?
by Nicholas Goldberg Kelly Ernby was no doubt a good person, a friend to her friends, a companion to her husband, a crime-fighting prosecutor. She presumably had […]