Anyone who ever has sent a tweet with a typo — and who among us has not? — craves an edit button. So the news this week […]
Abusing tax dollars for campaign mailings
One of the last things John Pyles asked of The Dominion Post was to look into the flyers Rep. David McKinley sends four times a year that […]
April 10 letters to the editor
In memory of friend, activist John Pyles When I first heard that John Pyles had passed away, my heart was filled with sadness. I have known John […]
Demand America be energy independent once again
by Delegate Guy Ward As a native West Virginian who spent nearly a lifetime devoted to our state’s electrical generation energy industry, I am always alarmed and […]
At UN, Russia slammed for creating war, food crisis
by Dan Rodricks The Russian ambassador had heard enough about global food shortages caused by his nation’s invasion of Ukraine so, when it was his turn to […]
Inflation isn’t a Biden talking point
by Nolan Finley Nearly 60% of Americans say they worry a great deal about inflation, according to a new Gallup poll. Apparently, Joe Biden isn’t one of […]
What has happened to us? Bad behavior is on the rise
by Gene Lyons A few months ago, I ran into a recently retired judge, a former prosecutor and friendly acquaintance, at the grocery store. I asked him […]
The cop culture of violence and silence
The Dominion Post reported Monday that Westover’s insurer settled two lawsuits alleging police brutality. The suit on behalf of William Cox — who says he was kicked, […]
What if Fox News viewers watch CNN?
by Matthew Yglesias The establishment of Fox News in the late 1990s forever changed both media and politics in America, transforming the formerly staid world of television […]
Attacking the rich means attacking the country
by Jay Ambrose Go after the hated rich, make up phony stories, hit them hard with taxes on their wealth, listen to the applause, figure on Democrats […]