by Noah Feldman The leaked draft of a majority Supreme Court decision by Justice Samuel Alito overturning Roe v. Wade means several things. First, it indicates that […]
Propaganda American style
As with many things, propaganda can be used for good or for ill, depending on who dispenses it. During World War II, American propaganda was considered a […]
The redistricting problem must be solved by Congress or federal courts
New York Democrats’ hyperpartisan gerrymandering violated the state Constitution, which voters amended eight years ago to establish a bipartisan redistricting commission — specifically prohibiting line-drawing that discourages […]
Avoid going broke from medical bills
by Erin Lowry There have been a few times in my life when I’ve had a concerning health issue but skipped visiting the doctor. I’m not the […]
Football and prayer? They don’t mix
by John M. Crisp My father was neither a constitutional scholar nor a theologian. In fact, with his high school education, he delivered letters for the post […]
Macron’s win is an opportunity for France and the EU
by Lionel Laurent In 2017, France bucked the populist trend by voting for Emmanuel Macron against europhobic Marine Le Pen. In 2022, it has done so again […]
When GOP adopts Russia’s playbook
by Kurt Bardella The Republican Party has a clear vision for the future of the United States: one that’s white, Christian and fundamentally opposed to Western ideals […]
Like in the 1970s, bad economic news haunts Biden
U.S. gross domestic product shrank 1.4% in the first quarter at the same time inflation continued to soar. For older Americans, that combination conjures memories of 1970s […]
Child tax credit was the hand up many needed
In December 2021, three sources told news outlets that Sen. Joe Manchin had postulated in private that West Virginia families would use the money they received from […]
May 1 letters to the editor
Your vote does matter. Get out to the polls When was the last time you voted? “My vote doesn’t matter” is said too often and just isn’t […]