While the Catholic Church has spent much of the last three decades wrestling with deeply painful revelations of priestly sexual abuse and the bishops’ callous disregard for […]
It’s not up to the West to call the shots
by Erik Gartzke The war in Ukraine has gone well from the perspective of Western pundits and officials. Russia has seen a series of costly reversals on […]
Uvalde, Texas shooting: A failure of several levels
There are no adjectives that can accurately describe the gruesome act committed by 18-year-old Salvador Ramos at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. He killed 19 children […]
Build on insulin reform efforts
Access to insulin can be a matter of life or death for those with diabetes, a disease that more than 37 million Americans live with. But the […]
Onward Christian nationalists …
by Tony Norman In my heart of hearts, I don’t believe newly minted Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano has a snowball’s chance in a burning hell […]
I didn’t plan to feed my baby formula — but I’m so glad I did
by Steph Cha I’m 24 weeks pregnant, staring down a national formula shortage, just hoping it works itself out before the new baby arrives. My first child […]
Editorial Encore: We don’t all observe Memorial Day the same way
EDITOR’S NOTE: Today’s editorial has been adapted from a previous year’s musings on Memorial Day. Two years into a pandemic, some still can’t observe Memorial Day the […]
Gun debate needs to break old patterns
by Ramesh Ponnuru The mass murder of children in Uvalde, Texas, coming just 10 days after the mass murder of shoppers in Buffalo, N.Y., moved former Sen. […]
Dems need to stop acting like there’s a prize for showing restraint
by Kurt Bardella The question I get asked the most as someone who went from being a Republican to a Democrat is: “What’s the biggest difference between […]
Will the cycle end?
Another mass shooting. Another school shooting. Another senseless tragedy. What is there left for us to say that someone else hasn’t already said? Thirty-one people, including more […]