If the rest of the nation didn’t think highly of West Virginia before, they certainly won’t now. Because, the Supreme Court sided with Attorney General Patrick Morrisey […]
Could images of gun violence prod the public into action?
by Gregory A. Daddis Another American holiday. Another mass shooting. This time in Highland Park, Ill., where at least seven were killed. We seem destined to both […]
Are free schools public schools? Voucher law hits legal snag
The attempt to make West Virginia a national leader in school choice has hit a legal roadblock. Kanawha County Circuit Court Judge Joanna Tabit on Wednesday blocked […]
Guns aren’t the problem? The data disagree
On Sunday, July 3, a gunman walked into a mall and opened fire. Armed with one rifle and one pistol, the 22-year-old killed three people and wounded […]
Fuzzy language not helping fight COVID
by Faye Flam People no longer know what to do about the COVID pandemic. Part of the problem is the very language we use to talk about […]
Lack of justice just a different kind of rape
So what does all this tell us about justice? “All this” meaning the fact that Ghislaine Maxwell got 20 years on Tuesday and the next day, R. […]
What will W.Va. decide on abortion?
When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, several states had trigger laws or old laws that immediately went into effect. Ohio is one of the former: […]
Grandstanding on the border will never solve the nation’s drug crisis
by Dan Rodricks Forty-eight-year-old Thamar Smith of Hagerstown, Md., pleaded guilty to federal drug charges last week, the latest in a long line of American men who […]
It’s not easy being green
With apologies to Kermit the Frog, it’s not easy being green. The Supreme Court last week diminished the power of unelected bureaucrats to effectively make law. A […]
The good guys vs. the gun lobby: Trying to keep N.Y.’s streets safe
Under the twisted vision of the Supreme Court majority, states and localities are now barred from deciding who can get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. […]