by Clarence Page Just as I was wondering whether various crises were coming too fast to allow our usual “silly season” of oddball late summer news, an […]
Congress must resist efforts to weaken data privacy legislation
Congress is on the verge of passing a major federal data privacy law that will finally put some guardrails on what information companies can gather from Americans […]
Did Congress rebuff the Supreme Court?
by Noah Feldman Liberals are understandably delighted that Congress has managed to repudiate the outcome of at least one major case the Supreme Court decided in June. […]
Revisiting the flat tax
The next time Republicans control all three branches of government they may wish to visit an old idea — the flat tax. When magazine publisher and Republican […]
Trump’s latest grift: Save America PAC
by Jackie Calmes Donald Trump says he’s naming me “Patriot of the Month.” But the defeated president has told me that month after month in fundraising emails, […]
In the Pa. Senate race, what motivates voters is complicated
ERIE, Pa. — Every election cycle in America, plenty of people will decide, for one reason or another, not to show up to vote. Their reasons often […]
A disaster for America if the extremes prevail
The examples abound of America’s lurch toward greater extremism on both the right and left. It’s getting to the point where free speech is being stifled by […]
Women should stop doing housework
by Sarah Green Carmichael Women spend 47 minutes more on housework on average than men each day, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That adds up […]
Forgiving student loans will prove to be a costly mistake
With last Wednesday’s long-awaited announcement forgiving the debts of certain student borrowers, President Joe Biden hopes to give Democrats a boost in this fall’s midterm elections. Whatever […]
How ‘quiet quitting’ discourages work
The hot new trend in work is to, uh, not work, or at least not work very hard. It is called “quiet quitting,” and advocates, who are […]