by Ken Paulson There was a period in the late 60s when the Beach Boys, desperate for a hipper identity, reportedly considered shortening their name to “Beach.” […]
The link between polarized thinking, anxiety & depression
by Debilyn Molineaux A colleague noted recently how we, the people, collectively, seem to think in more black and white terms, disallowing nuance and complexity. Is this […]
Fun fall things to look forward to
In honor of the beginning of the first full month of fall, we’re going to list some things we’re looking forward to this autumn. The leaves changing. […]
The crime issue returns for midterms
by Steven Roberts This New York Times headline captures an important inflection point in the current political campaign: “G.O.P. Redoubles Efforts to Tie Democrats to High Crime […]
Nikki Haley: The Dragon Slayer
SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is in the process of filing a lawsuit against New […]
Why are so many state jobs vacant? They don’t pay
With all this talk of surpluses, tax cuts and where money should go, we’d like to draw attention to another of West Virginia’s chronically underfunded services: state […]
Because of sanctions, GOP has special obligation to Venezuelan migrants
by Matthew Yglesias The idea of tackling the “root causes” of migration and asylum flows is the kind of high-minded notion likely to be dismissed by politicians […]
Manchin’s miscalculation
Joe Manchin took a chance. He signed off on the partisan Inflation Reduction Act, and even appeared with President Joe Biden at the bill signing ceremony, knowing […]
Science is humanity’s hope
NASA this week successfully did what it normally tries to avoid, and destroyed one of its own spacecraft — by ramming it into an asteroid. It was […]
On Ukraine, it’s the West vs. the rest
by Daniel DePetris From the moment Russian forces began their widespread missile barrage against Ukrainian targets in February, the United States and Europe have sought to rally […]