by Kevin Johnson A massive eleventh-hour spending bill stuffed with thinly vetted backroom deals might seem proof of our political dysfunction. But the omnibus bill approved by […]
Stanford’s bad words
Words do matter, and we engage in an ongoing process of retiring certain words and adding new ones. Often words become taboo because they are offensive. That […]
Deregulation got us cheap flights — and this nightmare
Pictures of travelers still marooned in airports over the long holiday week are deeply disturbing. Passengers are missing flights, unable to rebook passage to visit with friends […]
Why does defense budget keep growing?
by Daniel DePetris If there is one piece of legislation Congress prioritizes every year, it’s the annual government spending bill. After the usual last-minute hiccups over amendments, […]
Musk, Trump and the demeaning of America
by Robert Reich Before the midterms, Elon Musk fired half of Twitter’s 7,500 employees, including teams devoted to combating election misinformation — and did it so haphazardly […]
W.Va. senator to sponsor eugenics bill
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes. Unless, of course, they don’t think history’s “mistakes” are actually mistakes. At a meeting […]
Insurrection a tough charge to prove
by Doyle McManus The 845-page final report of the House Committee on Jan. 6, which finally arrived late Thursday night, is an epic. Like “Moby Dick” or […]
Bad political theater
In a theatrical performance the worst thing that can happen is to have a predictable outcome. That is precisely what occurred with the Jan. 6 Committee, which […]
Fusion energy isn’t just a pipe dream anymore
The timeline of history is etched not just by wars and revolutions but also by moments when science yields a discovery that forever changes the course of […]
Game clock has run down for Beard
by Gene Lyons In my experience, it’s a rare man who wakes up at age 49 and starts beating up women. Chances are, then, that this wasn’t […]