by Steven Roberts As the old adage puts it: Be careful what you wish for. Democrats have been watching Donald Trump’s unraveling influence with undisguised glee. Recent […]
W.Va. legislators making unemployment benefit changes
West Virginia legislators are trying once again to make long overdue improvements to the state’s unemployment benefits program. The Senate on Monday passed and sent to the […]
Fairmont State’s Police Academy offers multiple advantages
Fairmont State University recently welcomed the inaugural class to its Police Training Academy. It’s no secret that police departments across the state have faced staffing shortages — […]
Biden should admit to mistakes in his classified documents scandal
by Jonah Goldberg There’s an understandable compulsion in the media and among Democrats to emphasize the differences between Joe Biden’s classified documents scandal and Donald Trump’s. The […]
Population shouldn’t be a Ponzi scheme
China’s shrinking population, we are told, poses an economic threat to that country, as well as an economic drag for us. Here are the numbers: Deaths exceeded […]
Hydrogen energy or more natural gas?
The Legislature just passed SB 162, which authorizes “the director of the Division of Natural Resources to lease state-owned pore spaces underlying state forests, natural and scenic […]
History Center’s film on Stone Mountain’s past a view to the present
by Bill Torpy The Atlanta History Center’s new documentary about Stone Mountain has lots of grainy black-and-white film of the Ku Klux Klan rallying atop the big […]
The other side of fame
“I’m gonna live forever, baby, remember my name” — (from “Fame”) The death at age 54 of Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis, got me thinking again […]
Abortion bans undermine church-state separation
by Rachel Laser Abortion bans impose on everyone the narrow religious doctrine of a few. These bans violate the separation of church and state. Reproductive freedom and […]
Monterey Park shooting horrific, but too familiar
“Who walks into a dance hall and guns down 20 people?” Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna asked, hours after 10 people were shot dead and at […]