The hyper-conservative Legislature has resumed the attack it started last year on West Virginia’s public schools. Some attacks are more subtle than others, but most of them […]
Business the most trusted institution?
by Nicholas Goldberg You’d think that people would have learned their lesson after years of financial industry gimmickry, corporate tax avoidance and mistreatment of workers. You’d think […]
Scandal? What scandal?
In our relativistic age in which everyone has his or her own “truth” and none is to be preferred over another so long as the individual feels […]
‘Fair Tax’ won’t pass, but debate an ominous omen about McCarthy
There is a 0% chance that a proposal to eliminate the federal income tax and replace it with a massive national sales tax will even get out […]
DeSantis gets colleges to vow not to teach things they weren’t teaching
by Scott Maxwell Florida has become the land of boogeymen — the place where politicians whip up fictional foes to stir hysteria among gullible followers and then […]
National discord not the norm as unity prevails in W.Va.
by Samantha Perry Where does it start? How does it stop? The madcap rash of violence that seems to be hopscotching across our nation brings one of […]
Pentagon missing billions worth of military equipment
Defense spending is vital to ensure the nation’s security. But that doesn’t mean the Pentagon should be above budget scrutiny. Far from it, as a recent audit […]
Abortion pill lawsuit won’t get fair shake
by Noah Feldman The first significant stage of post-Roe abortion litigation is underway and focuses heavily on abortion pills. GenBioPro, a pharmaceutical company that makes the drug […]
I grew up in the era of mass shootings. Fear of violence grips my generation
by Paige Masten The first mass shooting I remember is Sandy Hook in 2012. I was in middle school then, and I could tell something was wrong […]
‘Life at conception’ bill violates Constitution
The Legislature is officially considering the most restrictive kind of abortion ban. The “Life at Conception Act of 2023,” or HB 2885, was introduced to the House […]