Look at the faces of Michigan State University students as they ran down staircases, jumped behind low walls and barricaded themselves in dorms and classroom buildings when […]
EV adoption faces middle-class challenge
by Charles J. Murray With the recent Chicago Auto Show, talk of electric cars has kicked into high gear. It’s hard to turn on a radio or […]
Guest essay: Artistic voices raise the creative economy in West Virginia
by Adam Booth and Monica Wilson Arts Day at the West Virginia State Legislature is coming up on March 2. It is a day for the arts […]
The Good, the Bad and the Stupid 5
Good: SB 216, requiring all schools to instruct students on Holocaust, other genocides and financial literacy. This bill has passed the Senate and is being reviewed by […]
‘Buy American’ might sound good, but, in reality, it’s bipartisan folly
by Jonah Goldberg You hear it all the time, including from me: Our politics is too partisan, too polarized, too divided. Why can’t both parties work together […]
GOP poll shows Justice would be strongest Senate candidate
A new Republican poll indicates that West Virginia Republican Gov. Jim Justice has the best chance to win the U.S. Senate seat in 2024 now held by […]
FTC crackdown on GoodRx sends message about protecting data
Since 2017, GoodRx has helped millions of people find deals on prescription drugs via an app and website. But what its customers may not have known is […]
How Pence’s flawed argument against a subpoena might get him what he wants
by Harry Litman Vice President Mike Pence has reportedly hit on a clever and novel strategy for resisting a subpoena from special counsel Jack Smith in the […]
We’re green. But are we mean?
Joe Biden’s America has embarked on a muscular industrial policy aimed at curbing climate change, building U.S. manufacturing and competing with China. That’s a lot of going […]
Why doesn’t Sen. Capito support more clean water?
We find it mind-boggling when West Virginia politicians — ones who have grown up here, not just swooped in to fill an elected office — don’t support […]