The West Virginia Legislature has finally wrapped up its regular legislative session. As we expected, the last few days were a marathon of chaos, with many bills […]
Biden’s budget was an opening bid. Where’s the Republican plan?
by Doyle McManus President Joe Biden unveiled his $6.8 trillion budget proposal last week, and it drew the customary jaded responses: a work of fiction; a party […]
A different narrative on Jan. 6?
Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently aired on his show portions of the Jan. 6th video footage he received from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Carlson claims the […]
Scrap noncompete agreements now
Noncompete agreements, which restrict who employees can work for after leaving a company, have become well-established in Pittsburgh. Some local hairstylists, for example, who are unhappy with […]
How I became a tool of China’s giant anti-American propaganda machine
by Nicholas Goldberg When I write critical columns about U.S. policies and politics, I occasionally strike a nerve and get enraged letters from readers denouncing me as […]
Violent radical left helps feed radical right’s narrative
The violent protest against the construction of a police training center in Atlanta exemplifies how little the radical left has learned since the 2020 Black Lives Matter […]
Meet America’s most delicate snowflake
by Jonah Goldberg If you search for “safe space” on the website you’ll get over 46,000 results. All of them aren’t about those woke snowflakes who […]
A little inflation is good for the conservative cause
by Tyler Cowen For conservatives, current high rates of inflation should not be too upsetting — and not because they might help Republican candidates in the next […]
The point where ethics and profits intersect
While the West Virginia Legislature debated making insulin more affordable, one pharmaceutical company surprisingly stepped up. On March 1, Eli Lilly announced it would limit monthly patient […]
March 12 letters to the editor
Thanks to Mountain Line Bus service Times are tough. Family budgets are strained, wages are not competitive and not all jobs appeal to the masses. A couple […]