LONG HOLLOW — “It was just that I was meant to be there,” Sylvia Albert said. “There” was a yard sale along W.Va. 26 South more than […]
Delivering up-to-date news from across Morgantown, WV and surrounding areas.
City Council approves contracts for upcoming paving work
MORGANTOWN — Morgantown City Council approved bids totaling just more than $1.4 million for the city’s 2018 paving program during its most recent regular session. Greer Industries […]
Cassville School Alumni Association prepares for reunion
MORGANTOWN — Do you have trouble staying connected with former classmates or loved ones? Probably. Are there stories you wish you could discuss with others, but most […]
WVU Extension and partners lead national Leap into Science program
MORGANTOWN — WVU Extension Service is partnering with the Green Bank Observatory, Pocahontas County Libraries and the Morgantown Public Library System to develop and guide the Leap into […]
Assistant professor receives help from the NIH
MORGANTOWN — Building and operating a hydraulic fracturing well site can emit airborne particles in multiple ways. But scientists still don’t fully understand how these particles impact […]
WVU explains agreement with Sodexo
MORGANTOWN — WVU Dean of Students Corey Farris spelled out some of the reasoning behind and expected benefits of the university’s recent decision to outsource its dining services. […]
Preston program ‘H.U.G.S’ helps single mothers
HOWESVILLE — A Preston County program — Help Us Get Started (H.U.G.S) — does just that. It’s run by the Rev. Bonnie Rowan with assistance from Michele […]
City Manager and council discuss issues about Haymaker Forest
MORGANTOWN — When asked if committing to the $5.2 million purchase of 40 wooded acres known as Haymaker Forest without knowing where all the money will come […]
The United Way hosts pool party for volunteers
MORGANTOWN — Brandi Helms, CEO of The United Way of Monongalia and Preston Counties, said the pool party held Saturday has had a long history. It provides […]
Dream Machines raises money for Children’s Heart Camp
MORGANTOWN — Thankfully, Saturday the weather stayed nice, so people were able to come out and see some vehicles, new and old. Premier Chevrolet, at the University […]