CHARLESTON — Apart from the midterm race for U.S. Senate, both major political parties in West Virginia sense that an amendment impacting abortion costs will drive voters […]
Delivering up-to-date news from across Morgantown, WV and surrounding areas.
Caregivers, professionals learn about disease at Alzheimer’s University
MORGANTOWN — J.T. Hunter believes life put him where he was meant to be. Hunter, who is the Family Services coordinator for the Alzheimer’s Association, learned about […]
BOPARC seeks two volunteers for board
MORGANTOWN — If you’ve ever wanted a chance to influence the direction of parks and recreation in Morgantown, now’s your chance. The Morgantown Board of Parks and […]
Defense in Depth offers Krav Maga
MORGANTOWN — Imagine walking down the street, and someone accosts you with a gun demanding your wallet and all of your money. How would you respond in […]
Vigil held for wounded 8-year-old girl
MORGANTOWN — More than 50 people gathered Saturday at Mylan Park Elementary in a vigil for Chloey Neely, an 8-year-old girl who was shot in the head […]
Kids’ Day returns downtown
MORGANTOWN — Saturday downtown Morgantown hosted an event that even adults could be jealous of. Kids of all ages filled the street eagerly for the 31st Annual […]
Mentor pestered WVU’s Cajuste into giving football a try
MORGANTOWN — His future rested with basketball, Yodny Cajuste was certain of it. And no matter how many times the football coach at Miramar High approached him […]
Fight against drug, opioid addiction wages on, especially for law enforcement
MORGANTOWN — Finding solutions to a drug overdose problem that claimed 64,000 Americans in 2016 isn’t easy. The problems are complex, multi-faceted, and range across multiple agencies […]
Blankenship expected to file certificate of nomination as Constitution Party U.S. Senate candidate
CHARLESTON — Constitution Party U.S. Senate candidate Don Blankenship is expected to file his certificate of nomination with the West Virginia Secretary of state on Tuesday July […]
Former prison warden writes book detailing experiences
MORGANTOWN — No one was selling wolf tickets for this one. When the call came in, every correctional officer on the block, including the warden, took off […]