CHARLESTON — Sunday liquor sales moved another step closer to reality on Tuesday. Senate Judiciary amended and approved HB 2481, the bill to permit Sunday liquor sales after […]
Delivering up-to-date news from across Morgantown, WV and surrounding areas.
Senate OKs anti-hazing bill for breakaway fraternities, bill to grant SNAP benefits to drug felons
CHARLESTON — A bill to apply state anti-hazing law to breakaway Greek organizations and one to grant SNAP benefits to nonviolent drug felons were among those that cleared […]
Reedsville considers noise and ATV/UTV ordinances
REEDSVILLE – Council worked on proposed noise and ATV/UTV ordinances at its Monday meeting. The proposed noise ordinance will include a construction activities section that would prohibit […]
House Finance passes a schools bill, but not the one the chairman wanted
CHARLESTON — Members of the House Finance Committee rallied this morning and voted for a House Education version of a broad-ranging schools bill. That means the full House […]
Metz running for 7th Ward council seat
MORGANTOWN — As of Tuesday morning, four of seven Morgantown City Council seats are now contested. According to Communications Director Andrew Stacy, the city received candidate paperwork […]
Friends, family attend funeral for former Cool Springs fire chief Okey Dalton
TUNNELTON — With his penchant for nicknames and one-liners, Okey Dalton, his friends said with love Monday, could be a little granddad-goofy at times. Until emergency dispatchers […]
Community gathers to show support for Preston High students injured in crash
VALLEY POINT — Monday night Preston County 4-H’ers invited the community to join them in supporting members of their 4-H family who are hurting. People gathered at […]
A sampling of bills introduced Feb. 11 and Feb. 8
CHARLESTON — Here is a sampling of bills introduced Feb. 11 and Feb. 8. Among them is the governor’s bill to fund PEIA. Monongalia-Preston-Marion-area lead sponsors and co-sponsors, […]
Intermediate appeals court bill wins Finance OK, goes to full Senate
CHARLESTON — The intermediate appeals court bill heads to the Senate floor after approval by a divided Senate Finance Committee on Monday. Finance made to changes to the […]
Campus gun carry bill hearing draws 30 opponents, 11 supporters
CHARLESTON — The Campus Self Defense Act, also nicknamed the Campus Carry Bill, drew 41 speakers to a public hearing Monday afternoon. The opponents outnumbered the supporters almost […]