Delivering up-to-date news from across Morgantown, WV and surrounding areas.
Empty Bowls fundraiser at Brookhaven aims to fight food insecurity
MORGANTOWN — Age doesn’t matter when it comes to fighting hunger. Members of Brookhaven Elementary School’s Mountaineer Boys and Girls Club and residents of The Village at […]
Smith: Bill targeting enhanced 911 fees would cost county agencies
MORGANTOWN — Monongalia County Homeland Security and Emergency Management / MECCA 911 Director Jimmy Smith and his peers across West Virginia are watching a bill introduced in […]
Preston man charged with animal cruelty after police find dead dog, 2 others without food, water
KINGWOOD — One dog died and was partially eaten by another that was without food, according to an animal cruelty complaint in Preston County. Preston Sheriff’s Cpl. […]
SNAP benefits to arrive early due to government shutdown; future benefits not guaranteed
MORGANTOWN — People who receive what was previously referred to as food stamps will get them early this month. After that, it’s unclear if they will get […]
Abandoned gas wells are target of W.Va. ‘Orphan Well Prevention Act’
CHARLESTON — A lawyer for people who have gas drilling operations on their property is pushing for an “Orphan Well Prevention Act.” David McMahon is presenting the […]
Water truck careens down embankment after driver loses control
MORGANTOWN — A truck with a large tank of water went over an embankment on Yank Hollow Road, off Daybrook Road, about 9:45 Friday morning. The driver, […]
A sampling of bills introduced Jan. 18
CHARLESTON – Here is a sampling of bills introduced Jan. 18. The governor’s bill to allow certain misdemeanor offenders to petition for expungement of their records is […]
House sends jail overcrowding bill to Senate
CHARLESTON – The House of Delegates took a step Friday to make West Virginia a better place for pets. It passed HB 2185 96-0 on Friday, Jan. […]
House Judiciary OKs Broadband Expansion Act, SNAP benefits for drug felons bill
CHARLESTON – House Judiciary sent down to the House floor on Friday, Jan. 18, a tweaked Broadband Expansion Act and a bill to end the lifetime ban on […]