CHARLESTON — The woman whose anti-Muslim display was at the heart of last weekend’s controversy returned to the east end of the Capitol on Friday. She and […]
Delivering up-to-date news from across Morgantown, WV and surrounding areas.
Resolutions to censure, expel Delegate Caputo die at start of House floor session
CHARLESTON — The House of Delegates took up and quickly tabled on Friday morning two resolutions to take action against Delegate Mike Caputo, D-Marion. Both resolutions were […]
2 House resolutions against Delegate Caputo introduced: One to censure, one to expel from office
CHARLESTON — The House of Delegates, at the end of a long day, introduced two resolutions proposing action against Delegate Mike Caputo, D-Marion, regarding his actions over […]
Preston Solid Waste Board may get check from state by April 1
KINGWOOD — The Solid Waste Board could have a check from the State Treasurers Office by April 1. The money, somewhere between $40,000 to $50,000 was being […]
Slip closes White Avenue to through traffic
MORGANTOWN – A portion of White Avenue is closed to through traffic due to a slipping hillside. According to a press release from the City of Morgantown, […]
City discusses impending Haymaker Forest development
MORGANTOWN — Speaking about impending development in the much-discussed Haymaker Forest, City Manager Paul Brake said there really isn’t much the city can do. As part of […]
House plows through host of bills on Day 58; including home rule, Mountaineer Trail Network and State Police raises
CHARLESTON — The countdown to the end of the Legislative session on Saturday has begun. The House of Delegates on Thursday approved bills making municipal home rule […]
WVU beats Iowa State 90 to 75: Gallery
Resolution to create joint water quality committee on its way to House floor
CHARLESTON — A Senate resolution to create a new Joint Select Committee on Requirements Governing Water Quality Standards is on its way to the House floor. House […]
Police confirm identity of fugitive killed on College Avenue
MORGANTOWN — Donquale Gray, wanted for the attempted murder of a police officer, was the man shot and killed by the U.S. Marshals Service on March 6, […]