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Senate bill to license needle-exchange programs draws long line of physician opponents to testify against it
MORGANTOWN – The Senate Health Committee spent more than three hours Thursday hashing over a bill to license and regulate needle-exchange programs across the state. Bill lead […]
Monongalia County’s COVID-19 vaccine doses to be temporarily halved
MORGANTOWN — Fundamentally unfair, counterintuitive and counterproductive. That is how the Monongalia County Commission described a state decision to temporarily reduce by half the number of COVID-19 […]
Hopemont Hospital among those to close, if bill passes
KINGWOOD – House Bill 2626 was introduced last week by the House of Delegates Health and Human Resources Committee in an effort to close four state-owned hospitals, […]
House amends Senate teacher strike, health board bills; both up for House passage on Friday
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates made substantive changes to the Senate teacher strike and county health board bills Thursday, in preparation for passing both bills Friday […]
W.Va. hospital to pay more than $300K for Medicare fraud
Newsroom@DominionPost.com CLARKSBURG — U.S. Attorney Bill Powell has announced that Grant Memorial Hospital in Petersburg has agreed to pay $320,175.71 for false medical claims. According the settlement, […]
Unvaccinated Mon educators worry about safety, while COVID cases and quarantines continue
Another COVID case in Monongalia County’s school district has put six students and a teacher at Suncrest Middle into quarantine for the next two weeks. Superintendent Eddie […]
Preston Commission learns COVID cases on decline in county
KINGWOOD – COVID cases are declining in Preston County. Preston Health Department Director V.J. Davis said only 32 cases have been reported in the past seven days. […]
In-person medical visits waning because of COVID-19 safety concerns
MORGANTOWN — Morgantown’s two largest health care providers –WVU Medicine and Mon Health – said people should not be afraid to seek medical treatment because of the […]
Senate approves bill to give county commissions veto power over board of health rule-making
MORGANTOWN – The state Senate spent four minutes shy of an hour Tuesday debating a bill to give county commissions veto power over local health boards. And […]