MORGANTOWN — Gov. Jim Justice not unexpectedly announced Monday that he’s looking to include 12- to 15-year-olds in the $100 vaccine incentive program, now that they are […]
Breaking down the mask mandate back-and-forth
MORGANTOWN — The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of sometimes-conflicting information regarding mask-wearing policies from federal and state officials, requiring local institutions and agencies to […]
West Virginia University releases activity manual for dementia caregiving
West Virginia University faculty members and graduate students have put together an activity guide that includes games, trivia and crafts designed to aid in dementia caregiving. The […]
‘I’ve cared for children’
WVU Today With Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for ages 12-15, one West Virginia University pediatrician assured its safety and efficacy: It […]
Justice: Vaccinated may unmask; federal unemployment benefits will end — $1,000 back-to-work incentive in the works
MORGANTOWN — Gov. Jim Justice provided updates on unmasking and ending the federal unemployment benefits program Friday before a surprise Capitol network outage stopped his briefing mid-sentence […]
Justice: $100 vaccine gift cards for ages 16-35 may be ready this week or next; briefings will be cut to two per week
MORGANTOWN – The $100 incentive program to get ages 16-35 vaccinated is nearly ready to roll, Gov. Jim Justice said Wednesday. “It’s coming, it’s on the way.” […]
Goodbye books, hello health
With summer on the way, you don’t want to fall in a rut, so think of a nice easy routine for the following weeks. Something to start […]
Mon middle-schoolers start lining up for COVID vaccine next week
Monongalia County’s school district is set to vaccinate 1,500 of its middle-schoolers next week. That’s how many 12-to-15-year-olds in the county have signed up for their first […]
Make a Pfizer vaccine appointment for 12-15-year-olds at
MORGANTOWN — Parents and guardians of children ages 12 to 15 are encouraged to make an appointment for a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine following the U.S. Food & […]
Savings bond or gift card? 16-35s may get to choose their vaccination reward, Justice says Monday
MORGANTOWN — The program to offer people aged 16-35 $100 for getting vaccinated is taking a bit more shape, Gov. Jim Justice said during Monday’s COVID-19 briefing. […]