Who’s still stuffed? I know I am. In fact, I am not just stuffed but feeling a tad bit glutinous. I ate my fill. And even with […]
Justice and team: Omicron variant makes vaccines, boosters all the more urgent to save lives, reduce hospitalizations
MORGANTOWN – Gov. Jim Justice and his COVID-19 team gathered for briefing again Tuesday as the world turns its attention to the new omicron variant. COVID-19 Czar […]
15 WVU students hail from African nations under omicron travel restrictions, WVU monitoring developments
MORGANTOWN — WVU has 15 students hailing from four of the African nations that fall under President Biden’s omicron-variant travel restrictions, the university told The Dominion Post […]
MCHD will offer rapid-results HIV testing
Newsroom@DominionPost.com As with many tasks in life, when it comes to HIV testing, the waiting is sometimes the hardest part. That’s one reason Wednesday will be a […]
Mon Health moving from emergency codes to Plain Language Alerts starting Dec. 1
MORGANTOWN — Visitors and patients in Mon Health System facilities are used to hearing emergency codes over the loudspeaker system: “Code Orange,” “Code Walker,” and so on. […]
‘We can treat whatever walks through the door’
Capito checks on neighborhood hospital WHITE HALL —– It was a busy day in the neighborhood Monday morning, in this bustling commercial district just south of Fairmont […]
COVID tracking efforts emphasize need for investment in public health
WVU Today While most people go years without needing the smoke detectors in their homes, they would never choose to get rid of a device that saves […]
Mon Schools: Masks optional (maybe) by mid-January
MORGANTOWN — Right now, it’s the biggest Maybe in the room for Monongalia County’s school district, Superintendent Eddie Campbell Jr. said. The maybe over whether to make […]
A look at some of West Virginia’s COVID numbers
MORGANTOWN – Gov. Jim Justice’s last COVID briefing was Wednesday, and he won’t be back to renew his pleas to get vaccinated and to get vaccine boosters […]
Gen. Hoyer urges vaccines as COVID cases surge with onset of winter weather
MORGANTOWN – Gov. Jim Justice and his COVID team again cautioned West Virginians to take precautions against COVID as winter weather sets in. Joint Interagency Task Force […]