by Olivia The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic has escalated with the completion and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of not one but […]
Caregivers need to prepare for winter
Those suffering from Alzheimer’ s often wander away CHARLESTON — Wandering is one of the most unsettling behavioral changes common for someone with Alzheimer’s disease. Yet, […]
‘Don’t feel like a guinea pig:’ New COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective
WVU Today It may seem that the COVID-19 vaccine came from out of nowhere, but it actually underwent the same rigorous testing that all vaccines do. It’s […]
Virtual therapy may be staying
WVU Today Once the COVID-19 pandemic is over, a lot of things will go back to normal. We’ll stop wearing masks. We’ll crowd into restaurants. We’ll walk […]
Nursing homes facing money troubles
Two-thirds of the nursing homes and personal care facilities in the U.S. may not be in operation much longer because of the financial impact of the COVID-19 […]
Justice: All elementary and middle schools may resume in-person starting Jan. 19
Vaccine program for age 80 and up begins Big changes for the schools and an aggressive vaccination program for seniors topped the news coming from the governor’s […]
COVID-19 rate highest in state
KINGWOOD — Commissioners heard a bleak update from Preston Health Department Administrator V.J. Davis Tuesday. Davis told the commission Preston County now has the highest incident and […]
DHHR: ICU beds currently occupied are at pandemic high
By Jeff CHARLESTON — A pandemic-record intensive care unit beds are now being filled with COVID-19 patients in West Virginia, according to case numbers released Tuesday […]
Mon Health, Holiday Inn team up to help families Thanks to a partnership with the Holiday Inn-Morgantown, a new program will dedicate hotel rooms and accommodations to offer supportive housing for families and visitors of […]
Daily positivity spikes at 16.4%, vaccine dispersion continues
Justice and team explain unemployment benefits extension in COVID relief legislation MORGANTOWN — As of Monday, the state had received 60,875 doses of COVID-19 vaccine and administered […]