MORGANTOWN – The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday revamped a House bill to reallocate county magistrates. HB 2910, as it came from the House, intended to reallocate […]
West Virginia Legislature
A look at some bills passed in House and Senate on Thursday
MORGANTOWN – Here is a look at some of the other bill action that took place on the House and Senate floors on Thursday. House action SB […]
Sparks fly on House floor during amendment debates on Anti-Racism Act, microschool bill
MORGANTOWN – An effort to yank some teeth from the Anti-Racism Act led to a contentious debate on the House floor Thursday afternoon. Feathers also ruffled during […]
House Judiciary OKs Anti-Racism Act in wee morning hours; House expedites eventual passage with procedural move
MORGANTOWN – In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, when most folks were snug in their beds, House Judiciary wrapped up one of its famous marathon meetings […]
House OKs Senate bill on filling vacant seats in state Legislature; acts on variety of other bills
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates on Wednesday passed a Senate bill regarding vacant legislative seats, quibbled over a Senate bill up for amendment and OK’d Senate […]
Senate OKs House bills for car dealer tax break, rebooting film tax credit, ensuring post-surgery visitation by family members
MORGANTOWN – New car dealers could see a tax break if a House bill revamped and passed Wednesday by the Senate completes its legislative journey. That bill, […]
House bill to reduce inspections of oil and gas brine tanks near drinking water intakes gets tabled in Senate Energy
MORGANTOWN – A House oil and gas bill that has caused some concern in the environmental community met its apparent end it Senate Energy on Tuesday. HB […]
House passes $4.6B budget bill, sends it back to the Senate; Senate OKs House bill to fill Jenkins’ state Supreme Court seat and sends it back
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates continued progress on crafting a state budget Tuesday, pasting its budget bill into the Senate’s and sending it back to the […]
House approves Senate state employee pay raise bill — with $10,000 raise for state troopers
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates approved the Senate’s state employee pay raise bill on Monday – with an extra boost for state troopers. The additional raise […]
House Education approves scaled-down version of Senate Anti-Racism Act
MORGANTOWN – The House Education Committee followed up an early Monday public hearing on the Senate’s Anti-Racism Act – with speakers overwhelmingly against it – with two […]