MORGANTOWN — Monongalia County Commissioner Tom Bloom said he’s normally not one to take a public stance on the various bills being debated in Charleston. Wednesday was […]
State Government
Senate Finance chair confirms death of CROWN Act, prohibiting racial discrimination based on hair
MORGANTOWN — A bill to prohibit racial discrimination based on hair textures and hairstyles narrowly passed out Senate Judiciary last Thursday, only to be sent to Senate […]
House of Delegates passes human smuggling bill; Senate moves school truancy and gestational surrogacy bills
MORGANTOWN – The House of Delegates passed a human smuggling bill on Monday, but opponents objected that it places trafficking and smuggling on the same level and […]
Senate again passes bill to allow small counties to impose recreation fee to fund fire, EMS
MORGANTOWN – The Senate is once again trying to give small rural counties a tool to fund their fire and EMS services. SB 167 was among the […]
Education officials worry HB 4299 might be unloading additional conflicts in school safety
Is House Bill 4299 a loaded gun — unto itself? That’s what the leaders of West Virginia’s two unions for teachers and others who work in school […]
Senate bill opens path for state to make money through forest-management wildfire prevention
MORGANTOWN — The state Senate held a long-but-warm-spirited debate on Wednesday over an amendment to a bill designed to protect state-owned forests from wildfires, and bring in […]
Bill to allow small counties to charge $1 fee for emergency services again moves through Senate
MORGANTOWN — The state Senate is making another go at enabling counties with lots of tourists and few residents to raise money for emergency services to accommodate […]
Senate sends two AI child porn bills to House
MORGANTOWN — The Senate advanced two bills to the House on Tuesday, both aimed at combating AI-era child pornography. SB 740 criminalizes altering a photograph, image, video […]
Lake Lynn Generation responds to FERC questions about poor park maintenance at Cheat Lake
MORGANTOWN – Lake Lynn Generation has supplied answers to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for questions FERC sent to the company in January regarding alleged poor maintenance […]
Mon Power, Potomac Edison reach settlement in net-metering credit reduction for home solar customers
MORGANTOWN – Mon Power and Potomac Edison have reached a settlement with the various parties involved in the companies’ proposal to the Public Service Commission to reduce […]