MORGANTOWN – Cardinal Natural Gas customers in Preston, Marion and Harrison counties are awaiting the final decision on a proposed rate hike, but that hike could be […]
State Government
WVU posts public comments on proposed Campus Carry rule, along with university responses to suggestions
MORGANTOWN – WVU’s Board of Governors will vote on the proposed Campus Carry rule during its April 12 meeting, and 16 public comments on the proposed rule […]
PSC closes fire hydrant investigation following legislation allowing it to draft and enforce rules for water utilities with hydrants
MORGANTOWN – The state Public Service Commission has wrapped up its investigation of the maintenance and testing of fire hydrants across the state and closed the case. […]
Cardinal Natural Gas proposes rate hikes for Blacksville, Lumberport-Shinnston customers
MORGANTOWN — Blacksville customers of Cardinal Natural Gas could see their bills rise by just over 10% if the Public Service Commission approves a request submitted by […]
PSC approves reduced Mon Power/Potomac Edison base-rate hike, compromise net-metering credit achieved in settlements
MORGANTOWN — The state Public Service Commission has approved a pair of settlements in Mon Power’s and Potomac Edison’s base rate case, which included a reduced net-metering […]
Solar for safety: Two groups proposing panel-equipped ‘resilience hubs’ for shelters during weather emergencies
Drenching rains. Paralyzing bouts of cold and snow — followed by record-breaking high temperatures the next week, or the next day, even. Lashing rains and winds that […]
Senators flush House diaper bill in protest over House inaction on Senate bills
MORGANTOWN — Senators flushed a House dirty diaper bill down the toilet on Tuesday as a form of protest for House inaction on a host of Senate […]
MCHD approves fee schedule ahead of legislative change
MORGANTOWN — Local health departments across West Virginia are scrambling to stay ahead of a legislative change that could disrupt their ability to charge for a wide […]
Senate honors Warren McGraw, former state senator and Supreme Court chief justice
MORGANTOWN — The state Senate on Thursday stood to honor the life and work of Warren Randolph McGraw, former state delegate and senator, county prosecutor and judge, […]
House passes education, parenting, lab meat and elections bills on Crossover Day
MORGANTOWN — Parenting, education, lab-grown meat and elections were among the bills the House of Delegates passed and sent to the Senate on Wednesday — Crossover Day, […]