MORGANTOWN – Members of the state Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee enjoyed a venting session on Monday, delving into the topic of “slow drivers in the left […]
State Government
State senate unanimously approves school safety, U.S. motto bills, sends them to the House
MORGANTOWN — The state Senate sailed through a series of bills on Monday, passing them all unanimously with no debate — including a school protection bill and […]
Senate president says in tax cut conversation, state’s expenses must be scrutinized
Senate President Craig Blair says the other side of the big tax cut proposal is the state’s expectations on dealing with mounting expenses. “The bottom line is, […]
Senate overwhelmingly approves bill to change annual vehicle inspections to every 2 years
MORGANTOWN — Annual vehicle inspections could change to every two years under a bill the Senate sent to the House on Friday. SB 254 changes the annual […]
House bill increasing penalties for child abuse and neglect heads to the Senate
MORGANTOWN — The House of Delegates hopes to increase the penalties for child abuse and neglect — unanimously passing a bill to that effect on Thursday and […]
Senate approves two student-related bills and a pro-Ukraine resolution
MORGANTOWN — The state Senate unanimously approved two student-related bills on Wednesday and sent them to the House. Senators also adopted a resolution indirectly supporting Ukraine by […]
Senate Judiciary tweaks and approves governor’s bill to ban TikTok from all government devices
MORGANTOWN – The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday unanimously approved the governor’s TikTok ban bill. SB 426 says the Chief Information Security Officer will develop standards regarding […]
A sampling of bills introduced Tuesday, Jan. 24
MORGANTOWN — Here is a sampling of bills introduced on Tuesday, Jan. 24. Local sponsors and co-sponsors, if any, are noted. TWEET @DominionPostWV
Senate Education approves bill to allow county school boards to hire independent contractors for campus security
MORGANTOWN — The Senate Education Committee on Tuesday gave its blessing to a bill to allow county school boards to beef up campus security with independent contractors, […]
State Senate sends Article V Constitutional convention bill and child violence prevention bill to House of Delegates
MORGANTOWN — The state Senate on Friday approved a bill spelling out how the state would participate in an Article V Constitutional convention, and one requiring the […]