MORGANTOWN — Farming, guns and baby diapers were among the topics occupying the House of Delegates on Tuesday. SB 171 prohibits counties from enacting or enforcing agricultural […]
State Government
House committee advances bill to change city election dates, another to forbid hotel/motel voucher programs for the homeless
MORGANTOWN — The House Political Subdivisions Committee is once again trying to line up local elections with statewide election dates. The committee also advanced a bill to […]
A sampling of bills introduced Monday, Feb. 12
MORGANTOWN — Here is a sampling of bills introduced Monday, Feb. 12. Local sponsors and co-sponsors are noted. TWEET @DominionPostWV
Senate passes bill to discourage adults from smoking in cars when kids are present
MORGANTOWN — The Senate advanced a bill on Monday to discourage adults from smoking in their vehicles when kids are present. SB 378 says: “No person who […]
Senate committee OKs bills dealing with growth and county zoning, business-improvement impact fees, and state building code
MORGANTOWN — Three bills with impact on Monongalia County advanced out of the Senate Government Organization Committee Thursday morning. SB 530 deals with impact fees related to […]
A sampling of bills introduced Wednesday, Feb. 7
MORGANTOWN — Here is a sampling of bills introduced Wednesday, Feb. 7. Local sponsors and co-sponsors are noted. TWEET @DominionPostWV
House advances three school-related bills to Senate
MORGANTOWN — Three more school-related bills passed out of the House of Delegates on Wednesday and head to the Senate. HB 5863 creates the Patriotic Access to […]
House panel halts home-based work bill, advances one prohibiting universal basic income
MORGANTOWN — The House Workforce Development Committee on Wednesday put the brakes on a bill aimed at protecting home-based businesses, but moved one along intended to encourage […]
Senate health moves bill to prohibit smoking in a vehicle containing kids
MORGANTOWN — Sen. Tom Takubo told his colleagues on the Health Committee on Tuesday that he had nearly thrown in the towel on his perennial bill to […]
A sampling of bills introduced Monday, Feb. 5
MORGANTOWN — Here is a sampling of bills introduced Monday, Feb. 5. Local sponsors and co-sponsors are noted. TWEET @DominionPostWV