MORGANTOWN — In one of their final chances to pitch their respective message to voters in the first district, Congressional candidates David McKinley and Kendra Fershee didn’t […]
In federal court, Justice Davis is OK with allowing time for impeachment to untangle
CHARLESTON — While the Legislature decides where to go next on impeachment, both sides in retired Justice Robin Davis’s federal lawsuit have agreed to allow more time […]
From $0 to $20K: House of Delegates 51st campaign spending shows sharp contrasts
MORGANTOWN — Campaign finances for the House of Delegates 51st District are all over the ledger book. Two candidates spent more than $20,000 during the most recent […]
Justice Loughry asking for new federal trial
CHARLESTON — Justice Allen Loughry is asking for a new trial. His motion for a new trial was filed Friday, although the motion and several attachments are […]
Beth Walker, fresh from impeachment trial, is named next chief justice
CHARLESTON — Beth Walker, recently acquitted but reprimanded by the state Senate, has been selected the new chief justice of the state Supreme Court. Walker was elected […]
City of Morgantown hires new city clerk
MORGANTOWN — After reviewing more than 230 candidates, the City of Morgantown names area resident Christine Wade as the new City Clerk. She will begin the position Nov.12. Wade, […]
Preston invites state transportation secretary to drive W.Va. 72 to Rowlesburg
KINGWOOD — Preston Commissioner Craig Jennings wants to take State Transportation Secretary Tom Smith on a tour of the road to Rowlesburg. One lane of a section […]
McKinley, Fershee discuss issues as Election Day draws near
MORGANTOWN — U.S. Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va., knows well what it’s like being a Republican in West Virginia. His experience prior to serving in the House of Representatives […]
Reports detail campaign earnings, spending for state Senate candidates
MORGANTOWN — Challengers in two of three local state Senate races continue to outspend the incumbents they’re aiming to unseat. In the third, the incumbent spent nearly […]
House case managers discuss possible redo on impeachment
CHARLESTON — The House of Delegates may head back into special session to once again consider impeachment against some members of the state Supreme Court. The managers […]