Task force plans to analyze the impact it has on businesses BY DAVE WILSON With a goal of trying to analyze the impact of Morgantown’s annexation plan […]
EQT royalty civil suit settled; EQT seeks extended stay in related suit against state DEP
MORGANTOWN — A federal judge has given final approval to the settlement of a key natural gas royalty civil suit against EQT. The settlement will cost EQT […]
Mon County Commission adds $1.3 million to budget carryover
MORGANTOWN — The Monongalia County Commission finalized its budget carryover on Wednesday, adding $1,317,356 to $8 million in anticipated rollover, for a total of $9,317,356. The commissioners […]
Kingwood votes to increase mayor, recorder and council salaries
KINGWOOD — When a new council takes office in three years, it could be paid more than current council, but still less than members of some city […]
Preston plant expanding, adding jobs
KINGWOOD — An expansion at Superior Fibers will add up to 62 new jobs at the Reedsville plant. Preston County Economic Development Authority Director Robbie Baylor told […]
Question of marijuana distribution, growers will be left up to voters in Preston
KINGWOOD — Preston commissioners won’t put the question of whether a marijuana grower or distributor can locate in the county on the ballot unless voters request it. […]
Mon County moves forward with GIS technology
Monongalia County came late to the GIS, or geographic information system, party. Less than a decade ago, when far smaller and more rural counties had already switched […]
Keep tabs on city spending with fiscal transparency center
If you’ve ever wanted to easily view where Morgantown spends its money, how many households it has or what the average home value is, now you can, […]
Ousted GOP members will sue; say removal violated election laws, committee bylaws
BELLE — For more than 20 years, Frank Larese did the basics to help Republicans get elected. He went to meetings, raised money, held signs along highways […]
Brake reiterates ‘There is no timeline’ as annexation draws crowd to council
MORGANTOWN — Signs opposing Morgantown’s draft annexation plan were displayed along Spruce Street prior to Tuesday evening’s regular city council meeting. Once the meeting began, more than […]