KINGWOOD — Preston County schools are improving or meeting standards in all areas except attendance, the board of education was told this week, and that’s a tough […]
Preston County BOE takes attendance
Score card says number of kids in school doesn’t meet state requirements KINGWOOD — Preston County schools are improving or meeting standards in all areas except attendance, […]
BOE: Student homelessness still a concern; teacher attendance rate down
Class was in session Monday night at the Monongalia County Board of Education. The pupils were area lawmakers. A handful of them came out for the informational […]
WVU law student wins $100K in tuition challenge
Dr Pepper celebrated its 11th annual Tuition Giveaway during College Football Conference Championship weekend by awarding $725,000 in tuition to students. Five students took home $100,000 — […]
North Elementary nabs $50K grant for garden
MORGANTOWN — How does North Elementary’s garden grow? Even better now, said Natalie Webb, who is principal of the school on Chestnut Ridge Road. North was the […]
Professor named national fellow
Thompson achieves highest honor as academic inventor Greg Thompson, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at West Virginia University, was named a fellow of the National […]
WVU law student wins $100K in Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway
WVU law student Tyler Gordon won $100,000 in the Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway Saturday night at the Big Ten Championship game. Finalists took the field during halftime […]
Ridgedale Elementary hopes to get SBA funds to continue expansion project
Don’t know what to get the Monongalia County Board of Education for Christmas this year? Additional classrooms at Ridgedale Elementary School would do just fine, thank you. […]
Law student has chance to win $100K
Gordon will compete in Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway A college student with a good throwing arm will win $100,000 toward college tuition this weekend and that person […]
Ruby and Walker offer classroom instruction with Hearts of Gold
MORGANTOWN — You’ll have to forgive Ruby. She’s over it. You see, she’s awaiting the results of a pregnancy test. If that’s not stressful enough, now they […]