MORGANTOWN — For years, local law enforcement have had no good options when dealing with individuals who have had too much to drink. An officer can spend […]
Cops and Courts
Judge refuses to grant Preston killer new trial or shorter sentence
KINGWOOD – A Tunnelton woman convicted of killing a toddler will not get a new trial or have her sentence lowered, a judge ruled Friday. In October, […]
Lawsuit filed in federal court against Westover police
A lawsuit filed in federal court accuses two Westover Police officers of attacking a man for recording them, as well as destroying his cell phone that recorded […]
Mon Sheriff investigates auto-pedestrian death
MORGANTOWN — The Monongalia County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a vehicle vs. pedestrian crash that killed a 37-year-old woman this week. Jennifer Allison, of Morgantown, died at […]
Preston judge denies survey in murder case, holds off on change of venue request
KINGWOOD – Preston Circuit Judge Steve Shaffer said he will wait until juror selection before deciding a request for change of venue in the trial of a […]
National law firm joins Howton suit
Three attorneys from a nonprofit law firm formed in 1963 at the request of President John F. Kennedy have joined a federal lawsuit against two Westover police […]
Regional jail fees weigh heavy on counties
By Will Dean and Kathy Plum Counties in West Virginia are responsible for a lot of bills — including the cost of housing inmates from the […]
Who is paying for rising jail costs?
Regional jail costs have risen. Read more about the cost to Mon and Preston counties and what officials think could ease the burden HERE By Will Dean […]
Preston man suspect in two murders
KINGWOOD — A Preston County assistant prosecutor said she will seek a grand jury indictment for a second murder against Andrew Woods Prudnick. Assistant Prosecutor Megan Fields […]
Area lawyer George Farmer Jr. dies
Think about those once-dilapidated warehouses now transformed into the bustling Wharf District. Or the city’s walking and biking paths that were once a tangle of rusted rails and […]