When it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day, few things are as iconic as flowers. To honor the special status nature’s blooms hold for the holiday, Monongalia Arts […]
Dogs rescued from December freeze finding new homes
Six dogs rescued by a Monongalia County dog warden during the below-freezing temperatures of late December have begun their journey to a new life after a seemingly […]
West Virginia 211 celebrates 211 Day
Today is 211 Day, celebrating the go-to resource 211, which helped 30,520 people in West Virginia access help for immediate or long-term challenges last year. Throughout 2022, […]
Mountain Line looking at liquid propane as gasoline alternative
Late last month, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration announced nearly $1.7 billion to support state and local efforts to modernize aging transit fleets with […]
GameChanger offers new opioid awareness campaign for parents, other caregivers
Consider the numbers. Every five minutes of every hour, of every day, someone in America dies of a drug overdose. Your son. Your daughter. Your spouse. It […]
Mountain Line puts up local match for Fairmont Road sidewalk application
The Mountain Line Transit Authority is joining Westover’s effort to secure funding for a new stretch of sidewalk along Fairmont Road. The transit board voted unanimously this […]
WV Chocolate Wine & Shine event back at Mylan Park
It was 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, and while most people were still on their second cup of coffee — Jamie Summerlin was already on the second page of […]
Mon Commission troubled by rumblings on Harmony Grove interchange
MORGANTOWN — Members of the Monongalia County Commission can see the writing on the wall. More accurately, they can hear the ringing phones in their pockets — […]
Morgantown teen wins world title at horse youth championship
Local teen Jenna Ratke, of Morgantown, and her Quarter Horse Rio One Step Closer took the crown at the National Reining Horse Association’s 14-18 Youth World Championship […]
Aquatic Center at Mylan Park lands second national diving event in six-month span
MORGANTOWN — You don’t get a lot of celebratory woo-woos in your average Morgantown City Council meeting. But Visit Mountaineer Country CVB Executive Director Susan Riddle had […]