Lawmakers resolved a staredown over details of a bill to bolster financial support for disabled people. A special session finally concluded on its third day Tuesday with […]
Local Girl Scouts bring comfort to nursing home residents, celebrate the end of an era
Six years ago, Tara Hilleary and Holly Morris started Girl Scout Junior Troop 10167, and have since guided the same seven scouts through their elementary years. As […]
No Menthol Sunday wants to help people overcoming tobacco addiction
Sunday is No Menthol Sunday, an annual call to action started a decade ago by The Center For Black Health & Equity. This day highlights the challenge […]
PSC orders all water and sewer utilities to conduct cyber-threat assessment
The state Public Service Commission has ordered all water and sewer utilities to conduct a cyber threat vulnerability assessment within 60 days. The order was issued Thursday […]
Artisan craft fair at Elks 411: ‘We’re trying to re-brand ourselves, a bit’
Herewith, a quiz on all things artsy and creative: What’s the first venue you might think of, as a logical, infrastructure host for an artisan craft […]
WVRHC to host open house for ‘Women Making History’ exhibit today
The West Virginia and Regional History Center extends the invitation to commemorate the closing of “Women Making History: Showcasing the West Virginia Feminist Activist Collection” from 2-4 […]
Newburg food pantry offers unique service
NEWBURG — Preston County has a unique food pantry called Up With Newburg that is unlike the other county food pantries. This one delivers food to […]
Trails located in Star City are closed for paving
The Mon River Trails Conservancy is alerting the community that all sections of trail through the town of Star City are currently closed for a repaving project. […]
Sip and stroll: Morgantown opens downtown PODA
MORGANTOWN — Sunshine beamed down on the Apothecary Ale House beer garden Wednesday afternoon as a crowd of 50 or so gathered to lift a glass and […]
Commissioners say community, not government, the answer to unhoused crisis
MORGANTOWN — Members of the Monongalia County Commission on Wednesday reiterated their belief that it’s not solely the responsibility of government to solve social issues, like homelessness. […]