MORGANTOWN — Chemistry test results collected by Friends of the Cheat has caused the organization concern over the long-term impacts the T&T Mine event may have on […]
Dulaney, Kawecki join panel for Earth Day discussion
MORGANTOWN — In commemoration of the 51st Earth Day, Morgantown Mayor Ron Dulaney and City Councilor Bill Kawecki were among those to offer comments Thursday during an […]
Mon County, Morgantown-Fairmont among nation’s cleanest for air pollution in American Lung Association 2021 report
MORGANTOWN – The Morgantown-Fairmont Metropolitan Statistical Area ranks among the nation’s cleanest cities for ozone and short-term particle air pollution in American Lung Association’s 2021 State of […]
An Earthly Celebration Area organizations joined forces Saturday to celebrate the planet with the Touch the Earth Festival at the pavilion in Marilla Park. The free festivities included educational […]
Local biz does its part to go green
Morgantown area businesses are making efforts to reduce their plastic usage and recycle whenever possible. Three businesses in particular are striving to keep their establishments as environmentally […]
City, county encourage employees to reuse, recycle supplies
Offices in Monongalia County — particularly in the city of Morgantown — have incorporated basic recycling procedures among staff while more environmentally friendly changes are being considered. […]
‘Reduce, reuse, recycle’ mantra is a priority listing
The Sierra Club is working with Monongalia County recycling initiatives and West Virginia University to clean up the county and encourage residents to do the same. The […]
The Plastic Problem
According to West Virginia University professor Michael McCawley, the insidiousness of plastic lies largely within. Because just as plastic waste fills our oceans and landfills with pollutants, […]
Preserving Springtime
One of the multiple ways to preserve flowers now coming into bloom, and enjoy them all year, is pressing and drying. Pressed plants can be used in […]
Local social media initiative hopes to make Morgantown ‘shine a little brighter’
MORGANTOWN – Members of the Morgantown Clean Up Project Facebook community are tackling the task of beautifying the streets of Morgantown one street or neighborhood at a […]