MORGANTOWN – PFAS are a family of chemicals found in thousands of commonly used products, and while the effects of many of them are uncertain, some are […]
Bill to tax carbon offset contracts, protect timber industry draws opposition from landowner groups
MORGANTOWN – A House bill aimed at protecting the business of managed timberlands in the state by heavily taxing carbon offset contracts met with opposition on Tuesday […]
WVDEP accepting applications for 2023 Make It Shine Spring Cleanup
Applications are now available for the 2023 West Virginia Make It Shine Statewide Cleanup. This annual event is sponsored by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s […]
Senate Energy Committee OKs bill to double number of oil and gas well inspectors
MORGANTOWN – A bill working its way through the Senate could more than double the number of oil and gas well inspectors working across the state. SB […]
Senate bill to promote gas-fired power projects generates some friction with coal industry
MORGANTOWN – The “frenemy” status of the coal and natural gas industries was evident in Wednesday’s debate of a Senate bill designed to promote natural gas power […]
House passes Senate carbon sequestration bill — a key element in hydrogen power production
MORGANTOWN — A Senate bill to allow for carbon sequestration under state lands cleared the House on Thursday and will return to the Senate. SB 162 allows […]
House Judiciary OKs Senate bill to allow DNR to lease underground pore spaces for carbon sequestration
MORGANTOWN – A Senate bill that would enable the state to make money from carbon sequestration projects under state lands cleared its first House hurdle on Monday, […]
Manchin permitting reform legislation fails again; tie vote keeps it from attaching to National Defense Authorization Act
MORGANTOWN — Sen. Joe Manchin is disappointed that his effort to pass permitting reform legislation again failed in the Senate. Manchin had hoped to attach his permitting […]
Mountaineer Audubon hosts Christmas Bird Count, measures local bird populations
On Dec. 17, the Mountaineer Audubon brought together dozens of birdwatchers to participate in a century-old tradition and one of the largest international citizen science projects – […]
PJM and Mon Power prepare for increased energy demand during cold winter months
MORGANTOWN – As winter prepares to set in, PJM – which oversees the 13-state regional energy grid – and its member utilities and power suppliers are preparing […]