dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – As Mon Power’s Fort Martin and Harrison power stations approach retirement age, parent company FirstEnergy is contemplating replacing them with combined-cycle plants fueled by […]
Senate committee moves bill to raise property tax on windmills
dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – A resurrected state Senate bill that would raise the property tax on windmills cleared the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee on Monday, but […]
New Mon County state senator introduces three energy bills
MORGANTOWN – Monongalia County’s newest state senator – Republican Chris Rose – is also the new chair of the Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee and introduced […]
PJM warns legislators of looming challenges: increasing power demand, decreasing supply
dbeard@dominionpost.com MORGANTOWN – When you get up in the morning, you want to know your lights will come on and you can plug in and recharge your […]
AS tour of Mon Power’s Rivesville solar site
By David Bearddbeard@dominionpost.com RIVESVILLE – Mon Power and Potomac Edison have their second utility-scale solar site online in this small coal town north of Fairmont. The 27-acre […]
PJM defends how it auctions power supply in response to complaint to FERC
Head: PJM defends how it auctions power supply in response to complaint to FERC MORGANTOWN – PJM Interconnection has submitted its defense in the case alleging the […]
Longview Power daughter companies ask PSC for extensions to build and begin operating gas-fired power plant
MORGANTOWN – In April 2020, the Public Service Commission granted Longview Power a citing certificate to build a 1,200-megawatt gas-fired power plant adjacent to its existing coal-fired […]
WVU Extension experts advise on drought effects on deer and cattle
MORGANTOWN – In light of the ongoing drought, two WVU Extension experts have offered some insight and advice on how drought can affect livestock and wildlife. Darin […]
NETL draws visitors from across the globe to see its advanced power research and SuperLab 2.0 demonstration
MORGANTOWN – Energy experts from industry and academia, from across the nation and around the world gathered Thursday at the National Energy Technology Laboratory to get a […]
Lake Lynn Generation withdraws request to FERC for temporary variance to lower Cheat Lake level
MORGANTOWN – Lake Lynn Generation has withdrawn its request to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a temporary variance on its license requirement to maintain the minimum […]