A West Virginia native whose works are often set in the state won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction this year. Jayne Anne Phillips’ “Night Watch,” a mother-daughter […]
Life & Leisure
The five essentials for car rides
It’s almost summer time, which means my family will most likely be traveling back to Morgantown more often since the kids are out of school. We love […]
Totality trip totally worth it
by Amanda Posey Our two-car convoy chased the sun driving down I-70 west as we crossed into Indiana on the Sunday eve before the recent eclipse. The […]
Environmental organizations to celebrate Earth, promote greenbelt with festival
To celebrate Earth Day and promote a Morgantown greenbelt, the Mon Valley Green Space Coalition (MVGSC) and the West Virginia Land Trust (WVLT) will host the fourth-annual […]
StoryFest shares magic of storytelling
Library System presented StoryFest, a new event dedicated to bringing the community together through the magic of storytelling, Saturday at the Spruce Street Pavilion, 400 Spruce St. […]
El Pollon adds two new locations to menu
POLLO A LA BRASA IS A DISH THAT FIRST ROSE TO PROMINENCE IN MIDCENTURY LIMA, PERU. Swiss emigrant Roger Schuler developed a style of rotisserie chicken marinated […]
Podcasts that will make you more interesting at parties
My dog Tulip will eat anything. And I really do mean anything. The fuzz Moo pulls out of his toys, leaves and sticks, dirty napkins, you name […]
Want to change the world? Start with the front of your hair
What is it about the female species that whenever life doesn’t feel quite right, our first inclination is, “Maybe I should get bangs?” I posed this question […]
Watchword for 2024 isn’t really a word at all
Last night I lay awake nearly until dawn, a very real pit bull snoring in my ear, a metaphorical hornet’s nest in my head. It was just […]
Oh, the horror … of this hair
Because I write and I love horror movies, people often ask if I’ve ever considered penning a screenplay. My friend Matt — who has worked on a […]