MORGANTOWN — Lockdown. L-O-C-K-D-O-W-N, lockdown. Which is what won’t be happening next month for the annual Monongalia County Schools Spelling Bee. After COVID-19 derailed it last year, […]
Author: Jim Bissett, The Dominion Post
Harvey’s light of learning glows on
MORGANTOWN — Clarence Harvey Jr., the longtime Monongalia County educator and school board member who died last week at the age of 95, was fluent in the […]
‘That’s why Christian Help is Christian Help’
MORGANTOWN — On a rainy July morning six years ago at Christian Help, a WVU student with the geographically lyrical name of Leonardo Trinidad was volunteering his […]
Merry Christmas, Mr. Cleveland
Cleveland rocks. As in, Grover Cleveland, the twice-elected U.S. president whose face is on the now-rare $1,000 bill. While that marquee currency has been officially out of […]
Mon Schools: Masks to remain, at least into January
Mon County students didn’t check their face masks at the door when they dismissed two hours early Wednesday for Christmas break. In fact, facial coverings will be […]
‘Uncle Ronnie is Christmas’
When the kid laughed and said, “Willya look at all this stuff,” Ronnie Cain looked over and laughed, too. “And I have stuff in the basement I […]
‘Mom, that’s Mrs. Evans’
The new dad, and his napping baby boy: Most of the time, Zach Evans will just stand there, taking in the miracle that is his son, Luke. […]
Of Grover Cleveland and giving to others: Salvation Army talks mission, donations
MORGANTOWN — Sheldon Greenland did something Thursday afternoon he doesn’t normally get to do this time of year. He actually sat down and enjoyed a quiet moment. […]
STEM is still a Mon Schools priority, superintendent says
Two strikes and you’re out? Not hardly, Monongalia Schools Superintendent Eddie Campbell Jr. said Wednesday. Campbell was talking about the state School Building Authority, and its answer […]
‘It’s our mission to bring that care home’: Mon Health Marion Neighborhood Hospital treats first patient
WHITE HALL – A bit of cardiac convergence was in the neighborhood here Tuesday morning. At 8:17 a.m., to be precise. That was when the doors of […]