MORGANTOWN — Paul Mihalko and John Bowers played it for laughs in the photograph that appeared on the Twitter feed of Monongalia County Schools last week.Never mind […]
Author: Jim Bissett, The Dominion Post
Friends, family remember Zach
19-year-old loved autos and driving, died in car crash It was one of those gloriously goofy … things … that can make a guy a high school […]
Laptops come back looking good
Chris Urban knew there wasn’t even a remote chance the inventory would come back totally unscathed. “But everything looks good for the most part,” she said, “so […]
Mon County’s superintendent of schools considers new CDC COVID-19 guidelines for returning fall classes
The art of the personality and the pandemic.If you know Sam Brunett, you’ll also know he’s nothing like Bob Ross.Save for the brotherhood of the brush and […]
Morgantown Public Library offers curb-side book pick-up
Just like your favorite restaurant during these pandemic days, the Morgantown Public Library system is now offering takeout fare to feed your head. Well, OK — it […]
School feeding program resumes June 8
The feeding program introduced this spring by Mon County Schools in response to COVID-19 will resume next month, the district announced. Drive-through pickups will begin June 8 […]
‘We ’re not going to forget that’
Veterans remind us what today’s holiday should really mean Walter Zinn never got tired of telling it. It was a war story. The events described occurred on […]
Westwood Middle School principal named Principal of the Year
A middle school principal, as any middle school principal will attest, has to spend lots of time doing lots of things — all at once. That’s why […]
Mr. Shoe and the Rising Stars
Mr. Shoe and the Rising Stars. No, that’s not the name of your crazy uncle’s sonically challenged garage band that played exactly one (mercifully short) gig in […]
Morgantown City Council discusses what reopening downtown will look like
You can come downtown if you want — but you’re still going to have to keep your distance. That was the word from Morgantown City Council on […]