This is one in a series of articles to mark Sunshine Week, which is a national initiative to educate the public about the importance of open government. […]
Author: Jim Bissett, The Dominion Post
A Year of Living in a Pandemic
Two years before, and you may have thought a movie crew was filming a scene for a sci-fi contagion thriller. Worried people behind the wheel, steering and […]
St. Patrick’s Day brings another COVID case, quarantines to Mon Schools
Lucky, or unlucky? Depends on your perspective, Eddie Campbell Jr. said Wednesday. The superintendent of Monongalia County’s school district spent part of St. Patrick’s Day addressing another […]
Jumpstart Act getting some local reactions
The learning gets a little loud in Don Robinette’s classroom at the Monongalia County Technical Education Center. All those clangs, rattles and chonks, you know. That’s because […]
Mon Schools continue to deal with COVID while looking ahead to commencement
COVID-19 continued to flit around Monongalia County’s school district over the weekend – with two positive cases necessitating additional quarantines among other students who may have come […]
Open your math circle with Pi Day today
The late Larry Shaw didn’t necessarily look like a physicist. Not with that mane of Viking-red locks unfurling past his shoulders like that. Not with that Allen […]
Skyview’s Sylvester named state Vice Principal of the Year
You remember. Back when you were in school, if the vice principal called your house, you knew you were in TROUBLE. All caps. At Skyview Elementary School, […]
MHS teacher tests positive for COVID Friday, as colleagues were being vaccinated
Morgantown High School picked up a case of irony Friday to go with another positive diagnosis of COVID-19. It was announced that an MHS teacher had come […]
More COVID in Mon classrooms; state board approves facilities plan amendment
It’s not all COVID-19 all the time in the Monongalia County school district. Except when it is. Three classrooms are now in quarantine at Mountainview Elementary after […]
More vaccine is on the way for Mon teachers and other school employees
If you give your time to the Monongalia County school district and still haven’t received your COVID shot, then write down these dates and roll up your […]