Last year, as the pandemic was cutting loose in north-central West Virginia, Monongalia County’s school district canceled prom altogether. This year, though, prom is back in Mon. […]
Author: Jim Bissett, The Dominion Post
BRIEF: Mon school district closes out week with more COVID
A total of 37 students were placed into quarantine Friday after two positive COVID cases were recorded in Monongalia County’s school district, Superintendent Eddie Campbell Jr. said. […]
Chroniclers of the past: MHS History Bowl team qualifies for national tournament
Silas Wang. Isabella Ferrell. Carter Herron. Steven Tian. Venket Das. Make a note of the names of the above, all students at Morgantown High School. That’s because […]
Mon BOE votes to keep levy rates the same
MORGANTOWN — In an academic landscape ever-shifting from COVID-19, one fact of life for the Monongalia County school district stayed constant during Tuesday night’s Board of Education […]
Quarantine numbers are getting attention
A recent COVID-19 incident at Mountaineer Middle School was indeed the first case of a student-to-student transmission of the virus in Monongalia County school building. Superintendent Eddie […]
W.Va. Archery in the Schools tourney to proceed, despite COVID’s slings and arrows
A select group of West Virginia’s elementary, middle and high school students this week will draw back on the fundamental and the elemental, too. “You have to […]
More COIVD cases in area schools
University High School went into Monday with another positive COVID case of a student, which in turn put an additional 17 students, plus one teacher, into quarantine, […]
Mon Schools says ‘no apprehension’ in going before state Supreme Court to defend charter school denial
Call it equivalent of the old-school assignment that required a student to stand up in front of the class to deliver a book report. Only this one […]
Two positive cases put 100 into quarantine at UHS
MORGANTOWN — Two equals 100 (plus) at University High School. At least it did Friday. Which is why the COVID disinfecting crew of Monongalia County’s school district […]
First student- to-student virus case
Thursday’s positive COVID diagnosis of a Mountaineer Middle student may have given the school a pandemic designation Superintendent Eddie Campbell Jr. was hoping to avoid. “It looks […]