Those rumbles you heard during Tuesday’s meeting of the Monongalia County Board of Education were a good thing. BOE members and school administrators discussed particulars of the […]
Author: Jim Bissett, The Dominion Post
Working in school, working for work: Fall registration for adult learners starts Thursday at MTEC
Greg Dausch was using one hand to talk on his cellphone and the other to steer his shopping cart. It was the Monday morning equivalent of a […]
Love, faith (and marriage, too): Clergy couple to begin church work in Morgantown
In matters of faith, when you hear the call — you heed the call. Well, eventually you do, Martha Ognibene and Bart Thompson said with a chuckle […]
Golden Horseshoes (and Jennifer Garner, too)
All hail the Knights and Ladies of the Golden Horseshoe. That’s the award and designation honoring West Virginia eighth-graders who have demonstrated a multitude of knowledge about […]
‘Chromebook Camp’ popular with Mon teachers
Laptops don’t always live to tell about it. Chris Urban knows. Urban, who directs technology services for Monongalia County’s school district, has seen computer casualties from travel […]
Mon school district discusses excess levy benefits
MORGANTOWN — Nicole Kemper was throwing big money around during Tuesday night’s meeting of the Monongalia County Board of Education. Rather, the treasurer of the district was […]
Mon school district drives into summer with an eye on no masks for fall
MORGANTOWN — A guy has his priorities, Adam Henkins told members of the Monongalia County Board of Education Tuesday evening. He chuckled when he said it. That’s […]
University High named a national ‘Model School’ for its teaching innovations amid pandemic
MORGANTOWN — University High School has been named a “Model School” by the International Center for Leadership in Education for its teaching innovations in the midst of […]
W.Va. Day 2021: An English bulldog and unwavering resolve
Today is West Virginia Day, and if you grew up here or you’ve lived here long enough, you know that it’s not just about the Civil War. […]
No more masking up in school?
MORGANTOWN — Monongalia County’s school district has every intention of saving some face this fall. Make that lots of faces, Superintendent Eddie Campbell Jr. said. Campbell wants […]